A Playlist for Seafaring
Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Now that it’s summertime, it’s the perfect opportunity to share one of my favorite playlists with you all! I have had a love for the sea for most of my life; maybe this is due to being born in a coastal state. Whatever the cause, I’ve come to have an appreciation for all sorts of nautical songs, but especially songs you could have while seafaring, or, in other words, having adventures out at sea.
I’ll go through just a couple I’ve collected lately and what makes them so special. Some are sea shanties; others are beautiful ballads and just a dash of indie charm.
A Lighthouse Along the Sea

This is hands down the most calming song out of the bunch. Made by Hidden Tapes, this embodies the feelings of peace and mystery that seem to surpass us all when seeing a lighthouse.
Drunken Sailor

Granted, there are many versions of Drunken Sailor out there, but my favorite is done by Storm Weather Shanty Choir. I would be lying if I said I didn’t imagine Horatio Hornblower’s crew singing this below deck whilst drinking rum and dancing the night away at some point!

This indie treasure is sung by Hollow Coves, and I imagine this one being played while visiting the Oregon coast with the Postmodern Journal crew while running down to the shore in our vintage linen dresses! A lighthearted breeze is how I’d describe this.
Teir Abhaile Riu

I feel like you can’t possibly have an oceanic playlist without including at least one Celtic Woman song, but if you haven’t, I’d encourage you to start with this one! Think of dancing around a tavern or fountain in a coastal town, waiting to entertain the sailors coming in, eager to snatch your chance of seeing the world for yourself from one of their fine ships.
Steady Waves

Another indie find sung by Cross Record. This one is still atmospheric but veering more towards angst. Maybe you’re running through moon pools and caves, trying to sort through your thoughts, and maybe this song comes to mind.
Secret Melody

Despite the artist's name being a little strange (Two Steps From Hell), this song screams adventure. You can almost feel the wind on your face and the sea rushing against the sides of the vessel you hastily decided to embark on. You can almost smell the salt in the air and hear barks from the crew around you.
Grown Ocean

A feel-good song by Fleet Foxes. You’ll just have to experience this one for yourself. I can’t even explain the serotonin I feel after listening to this.
Outlander - Main Title Theme

I’ve never actually watched Outlander, but the title theme is an amazing addition to any nautical playlist. You could absolutely pretend to be a lass from Scotland for a few minutes exploring the sea every opportunity you get.
Rescue Me

Eurielle sounds completely ethereal, and you’ll know exactly what I mean when listening to this. There’s no direct relation to anything sea-related in this song, but the melody and Eurielle’s voice combined remind me of something ancient. I‘m thinking of an Atlantis story of some sort.
Tidal Wave

A soul soother. Sung by Old Sea Brigade, this one makes me think of hours spent at a little eatery by the water as sunset hits and you are with your friends laughing the night away. Maybe the next morning you decide to collect seashells scattered across the buttery soft sand.
Sailor‘s Waltz

This is a very short waltz by Josh Garrels but definitely reminds me of old tales of sailors and the mysteries they uncover during their seafaring. An absolute must for the Age of Sail atmosphere.

I couldn’t help myself from adding something from Florence + the Machine. Swimming could be sung by mermaids and it would make perfect sense to me. There’s something about this song that is very nostalgic to me, and maybe that’s why it feels so special.
Scarborough Fair

The only other Celtic Woman song in this playlist, which has a completely different mood than the first. This one is almost chilling but absolutely beautiful. I can think of forbidden loves and moonlight swimming from this enchanting tale.
Quintettino, Op. 30 No. 6, G.324: 4. Passacalle

When playing this by Luigi Boccherini, you may recognize it from Master and Commander. It was played towards the end of the movie, and I will forever connect it with Age of Sail now. It’s easy to imagine a captain and his mates playing this on a dreary evening while waiting to arrive at their new destination.
Salt and the Sea

The Lumineers are another treasure that I could’ve chosen multiple of their songs to include, but I decided on Salt and the Sea because I liked the simplicity of it. With so many songs on this playlist being chaotic and lively, I really wanted to bring in a few with more subtlety. This one captures that wonderfully.
Last Dance

I’m going to cry just thinking about this beauty by Sarah McLachlan. The reason I added this was because of Frenchman’s Creek by Daphne Du Maurier. I’ll actually be posting a book review on this soon, so keep an eye out for that. For some reason, I think of the Frenchman and Dona having a final dance or last hurrah of sorts to this song before she goes back home, and so of course it has to be in here.
Set Your Sails

This is like if Hornblower was some coming-of-age indie film that makes you want to change your entire life after seeing it once. Set Your Sails is by Future of Forestry, and sometimes I’ll listen to it during long drives through the country because it makes me smile and dream of the ocean.
Blind Monkey

A Celtic sea jig by Gaelic Storm. You should also probably add Scalliwag while you’re at it if you’re wanting some lesser-known shanties to memorize. This one really makes me want to learn tap dancing and wear those pilgrim buckle shoes whilst also wearing a navy blazer on a replicated ship from the Napoleonic Wars.
Swallowed in the Sea

Okay, hear me out. You could really listen to Coldplay sing this when exploring an aquarium with your lover, surrounded by sea creatures and light rays brushing your face while they smile at you instead of the coral on the other side of the glass. Just a thought.
Runaway (Piano Acoustic)

Most of us have heard AURORA’s Runaway after it blew up on TikTok, but if you want an elevated experience that makes you yearn for the deep blue, do yourself a favor and listen to the piano acoustic version. You can thank me later.

Secret Garden really knows how to make music that makes you feel magical, but truly Elan sounds like pure joy and charm fit for only the greatest nautical adventures.

I genuinely hope you enjoyed this curated collection of seafaring musical gems! Maybe I was able to persuade you to add one or two to your own playlists, and, if not, I surely amused you with my little descriptions of what these songs mean to me. They inspire imagination and adventure in every aspect.