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Have you been bitten by the journalism bug? Or is there a piece of fiction rolling around in your brain that you're dying for someone else to read? Then please, send us your work! We are currently accepting written work in the following categories:


  • Entertainment/entertainment news

  • Art appreciation/news in the art world (including performing arts)

  • Fiction (short stories and novel excerpts ONLY. Full-length novels or novellas will not be accepted.)

  • Poetry

  • Opinion pieces/art and literature analysis (we are a non-controversial magazine. We do not accept any articles dealing in politics or social justice issues)

  • Lifestyle/home and garden





Have you been looking for a place to debut your artwork or photography to the world? Well, we'd love to put your work on display! We are currently accepting visual arts in the following categories:


  • Art collections (minimum 5 pieces, maximum 10)

  • Photo galleries (minimum 5 photos, maximum 10)

  • Single photos/art pieces





- Each submission must include a query letter (introduce yourself, explain which categories you would like to write in, whether you want to write long or short term, etc) no longer than 3 paragraphs in length in the body of the email.


- Every article accepted will require photos. Please indicate whether you are able to take the photos or if you would prefer one of our resident photographers to take them. We will send you a list of guidelines should you choose to take the photos yourself.


- For fiction and poetry writers: We do not limit the number of stories or poems submitted. However, please keep all poetry in one document no longer than 5 pages and either numbered or titled per poem. We do not accept fantasy, erotica, or horror stories.


Short stories/novel excerpts may be placed in separate documents and must be no longer than 10,000 words per story. When submitting fiction, please include the story/book title, genre, sub-genre, and preferred author name (this can either be in the document or body of the email below your query letter).


- All artwork and photography must be pasted into the body of the email as separate attachments.


- If you are submitting work to be displayed in the Arts section, each submission must contain a personal detailed article (minimum 300 words) about yourself and the inspiration behind the project.


At this time we are unable to compensate our contributors. We are hoping to change this in time, but while you work with us you are guaranteed heavy promotion of your work, both here and on The Postmodern Journal's social media platforms. Consider us a stepping stone to what we're sure will be a lengthy career for you as a creator!


We always try to respond to every submission. However, if you do not hear back within 30 days of applying, please assume your work has not been accepted. We do allow multiple submissions as long as the work being submitted has not already been sent to us and declined.


We look forward to receiving your submissions and hope you'll be able to join our team!

All submissions should be sent to:


© 2020 Sparrow & Ivy. All Rights Reserved.

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