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Our Favorite Classic Poets

Kathryn Houghton and Addison Horsell

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

Photo by Kathryn Houghton

Poetry can be one of the most moving genres of literature out there. While it can be said that novels are a form of escapism, poetry is a way into someone’s heart; a reflection of their innermost thoughts. We’d love to share with you some of our favorite poets that have stayed with us for years - people across time that we've had a chance to resonate with!

Emily Brontë

Photo by Kathryn Houghton

"I know not how it falls on me, This summer evening, hushed and lone; Yet the faint wind comes soothingly With something of an olden tone.
Forgive me if I’ve shunned so long Your gentle greeting, earth and air! But sorrow withers even the strong, And who can fight against despair?"
- Emily Brontë

I wanted to start with Emily Brontë in this list because, if I remember correctly, my first book of poetry exclusively from one writer I purchased was a collection of Emily’s works. Her subjects are always quite heavy, so, if you’re someone who likes to seek comfort when reading verses, Ms. Brontë may not be your cup of tea.

That being said, I’m always blown away with every single piece I read. It’s well known that the Brontës write about hardship and turmoil, but with Emily, I adore her gothic, mysterious approach to nature and matters of the heart. I remember first hearing some of her lines while watching a documentary about her and her sisters, and I just immediately knew I would have to go searching for all of her poems.

Brontë mostly wrote about the English moors she grew up around, as well as grief. I‘ve almost felt like I’ve gotten to know this writer personally, and sometimes we chat about her hard life and why we both adore England’s countryside. Needless to say, I’m enamored - she’s easily my favorite poet. I only wish more people knew about her poetry! They seem to forget that she’s written more than Wuthering Heights, although that could use a whole article in itself!

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Although L.M. Montgomery is not as often referenced as one of "the great classic poets", as more well-known writers of centuries past are, she is one of my favorites. I am often drawn to the works of poets who have a great interest and fascination with nature. Montgomery is one such person, as many of her poems center around the ideal beauty of the earth and landscapes around her. The way she describes such scenes, her words fairly lift off the page and come to life in a dreamlike vision. I may be predisposed to be so moved by her writing style since I've read so many of her books from a young age. Nonetheless, I believe she is one of the most talented writers of this genre.

Montgomery's poems often convey certain emotions through her vivid portrayals of forest and field. She tends to personify aspects of nature, such as the sea, the woods, flowers, brooks, etc. I find this style really compelling, because not only do the verses paint a very pretty yet familiar picture, the personification reminds me of just how alive everything is - the very ground I walk on is brimming over with life.

Photo by Addison Horsell

"They are not voiceless — in the night and day, Wood-whispers creep around and wood-winds stray, In mossy beechen alleys, And dusking pines are crooning evermore, Their mysteries of half-forgotten lore, In sunlight-threaded valleys."
- Lucy Maud Montgomery, In Untrod Woods

I have learned so much over the years from the romantic, imaginative writings of this beloved author. Her skill in describing everyday things, like gardens and birch forests and roads along a shoreline, never fails to inspire me. I think what will always draw me to her works is her clear attachment to the natural world; her love for nature and beauty and romance and everything that threads between them shines through so often in these poems.


Have you read any poetry by these famous writers? We'd love to read in the comments who your favorite poet is and why.



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